What should I wear?

Light clothing, such as clothing that you would wear to exercise is much easier for us to work with. We aim to allow patients to remove as little clothing as possible. Occasionally you may be asked to undress down to underwear if necessary. 

Can I bring a friend or relative?
Yes – if you wish, you can have someone present throughout your consultation and treatment.
Does it hurt?
Some soft tissue treatment may cause discomfort during treatment. Your osteopath will tell you what to expect, and will want you to let them know if you are in pain. You may feel stiff or sore after treatment. This is a normal, healthy response to the treatment.
Do I need to see my doctor first?

You do not need to see your doctor first if you are paying for your own treatment. However, some insurance companies require you to see your doctor first. 

How much does treatment cost?

Please go to the Book Now link to see our current pricing. This will include any referral letters that may be required.

How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments you need depends on the condition and person we are treating. We aim to keep your appointments to a minimum. Your osteopath will be able to tell you within a short period of time whether they can treat you or if they need to refer you to someone else.

Conditions we treat

The most common conditions that we treat are:

Back and neck pain


Shoulder and arm problems

Pelvis, hip and leg problems

Sports and other injuries

Book Appointment

There is no fixed duration for an appointment although they are generally in the region of 20 minutes. Conditions vary considerably in the amount of time they require. Please remember that what is achieved inside the consulting room is only a proportion of the Osteopath's work. It is necessary for Osteopaths to keep relevant notes, communicate with GPs, review hospital X-rays and Scans, write reports, liaise with our staff and upgrade our skills.


I'd suffered whiplash after a bump in the car, it was agony to move! But after a short set of treatments at Gelson's clinic I was feeling normal again...

- Jane Thompson, Hexham